Писал в конце июня гоанский Herald: Among the foreigners of non-Indian origin, Russians seem to be dominating the market. Going into the details of land purchased by foreigners, Leonid Beyzer and Valiulim Rashid of True Axis Resorts Pvt Ltd had purchased 19,906 sq mts land bearing survey No 119/3. Beyzer, meanwhile, is also a director of Artlibori Resorts Pvt Ltd, an Indian registered company which has bought two plots, one admeasuring 3065 sq mts in survey no 131/1 and another admeasuring 1157 sq mts in 58/8. The applications for mutations in all the three cases were disposed off on November 13, 2005. Очевидно, речь про те же самые участки, про которые сказано на www.morjim.com (оно же morjim.ru, кстати). Никто тут не может мне объяснить, в чём интрига.